WICON concentrate from digestate (biogas slurry)

in 1,000-kg
  • A natural, regional, organic long-term fertilizer
  • Perfectly balanced nutrients for growing trees and fruits
  • Promotes soil flora and fauna and the formation of humus
  • Promotes root growth
  • Combats soil fatigue
  • Environmentally friendly and CO2 neutral
  • Odorless and non-smearing
  • Excellent storability
  • Finely filtered and easy to apply
  • Free of weed seeds
  • Does not burn the turf


Permanent crops

Apple coltivation

At the beginning of the vegetation periode about 3-6 m3/ha of corresponding concentrate. The application should be carried out predominantly into the tree line.


At the beginning of the vegetation periode about 3-5 m3/ha of correspondingv concentrate. The application should be carried out predominantly into the vine line. In case of concentrate- utilization, there exists the opportunity of subsequently making use of drip irrigation to bolster the transfer of nutritive substances into deeper root areas.



Integrated into the soil as basic fertilization
10-12 m3/ha


Integrated into the soil as basic fertilization
10-12 m3/ha


Integrated into the soil as basic fertilization
10 m3/ha


Integrated into the soil as basic fertilization
10 m3/ha


Integrated into the soil as basic fertilization
10 m3/ha

Meadows and pastures

2nd-3rd Cutting
Intensively used pasturelands

After every cutting
12-15 m3/ha

2nd-3rd Cutting
Extensively used pasturelands

After every cutting
Approx. 10 m3/ha


At start of growing season or in autumn
10 m3/ha

Our raw materials

Organic components: Residues from the anaerobic fermentation of cattle waste and liquid manure

Properties and origin: The raw material is obtained chiefly from Wipp Valley dairy farms (South Tyrol) which meet the stringent requirements of non-industrial animal husbandry according to Article 3, paragraph 3, point 3.2 of Ministry Directive 18354.

The production process

  1. The livestock waste and liquid manure is picked up and transported to the Wipptal biogas plant using suitable vehicles.
  2. The input is loaded into the biogas plant where the fermentation process takes place.
  3. Mechanical separation of the fermentation residues after completion of the fermentation process (approx. 60 days at 42-45 °C) using extruders and vibration screeners.
  4. Extraction of approx. 60-65% of the water by means of a 3-stage reverse-osmosis process, without the use of additives.
  5. The resultant concentrate is filled up into 1,000-liter IBCs and sold (can also be delivered via tanker, if requested).
  6. The entire production sequence is automated.

Analysis values

Total nitrogen: 8.0 g/l
Organic nitrogen: 0.8 g/l
Nitrogen in form of urea: 7.2 g/l
Organic carbon: 40 g/l

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