Fertilizer from here
Our Mission

Regional effects

By processing solid livestock waste and liquid manure, associated greenhouse gas emissions (e.g., methane and CO2) can be significantly lowered beginning right at the level of animal husbandry. The deposition of the fermented material onto meadows and fields reduces nitrate contamination and ammonia emissions.

The fermented material should be subjected to further processing for utilization as high-quality fertilizer in such areas as agriculture and fruit and vegetable growing. The resultant biogas is a regenerative energy medium which is purified in various stages so that, ultimately, organic methane and purified CO2 are obtained. These two valuable gases represent CO2-neutral products which can be re-introduced to the regional economy.

This results in the establishment of a regional recycling system which also makes an active contribution to environmental protection.

Biogas from south tyrol

Gases from bovine manure and their utilization

Livestock waste and liquid manure generate such greenhouse gases as methane and CO2; when the wastes are deposited on pastureland, these gases are allowed to escape into the atmosphere. Biogas plants can separate methane and CO2 from biogas using modern membrane technology. These two highly pure gases then undergo complicated processing to produce liquefied methane (LNG) and carbon dioxide.

Helps the environment


In order to limit the global increase in temperature to 1.5 °C, no more than 355 gigatons of CO2 can be allowed to enter the atmosphere on a worldwide basis. That is an ambitious goal. At present rates, this CO2 budget will be exhausted in only eight years. The European Union has clearly announced its goal to promote decarbonization and supports Biogas Wipptal in its battle against CO2 released due to the burning of fossil fuels.

Ammonia is of great importance in various technical areas. Most ammonia is used for the manufacture of synthetic fertilizers. However, it is not widely known that the manufacture of ammonia is responsible for a significant portion of global CO2 emissions. Thus, for every ton of ammonia produced, approx. 1.9 tons of CO2 are released into the atmosphere. On a worldwide basis, ammonia production accounts for approx. 2% of total CO2 emissions. This corresponds to about 1,000,000,000 tons of CO2. For comparison: Global street traffic accounts for 1,200,000,000 tons.

With its organic fertilizers derived from natural sources, biwi can help reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers produced from ammonia.

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